Surf - Carte blanche à George Picking

Le surfeur anglais qui monte

- @oceansurfreport -

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On a été très impressionnés ces derniers temps par le potentiel de certains surfeurs venus d'outre-manche. George Picking en fait partie mais il ne vous dit probablement rien.


C'est normal, peu de gens avaient entendu parler de lui avant le début de la saison 2012 Junior aux iles Canaries où l'anglais a fini à une excellente 13ème place pour sa première participation à un évènement ASP. Après une blessure qui a failli compromette sa saison, il est de retour à l'eau et vient de sortir son premier webisode.


Il s'est livré à l'ASP pour la rubrique «  Carte Blanche »


?Comme je viens d'Angleterre, je pense que les gens s'attendaient à ce que ma technique et mon surf soient moins bons. Heureusement des surfeurs comme Russ Winter, Alan Stokes, Reubyn Ash et maintenant Tom Butler sont là pour donner une meilleure image du surf anglais.


J'ai grandi à Newquay dans les Cornouailles. J'ai commencé à surfer parce que mon père et mon frère pratiquaient ce sport. Je me suis lancé dans les compétitions, j'ai eu des bons comme des mauvais résultats. J'ai eu une révélation durant ma première compétition à l'étranger, le ISA World Junior Games en France. J'ai compris que je voulais en faire mon métier


Je me suis fixé pour but de participer à l'ASP European Junior Tour pour ma dernière année. Je me suis entrainé tout l'hiver et ça a fini par payer. Puis il y a eu ma blessure mais je suis de retour maintenant et chaque jour je me sens de mieux en mieux. Je suis heureux de pouvoir présenter cette vidéo.


Moi et mon ami réalisateur Alex Piper avons sélectionné des clips de notre trip en Indo avant que la saison ne commence cette année et pour la dernière minute de la vidéo nous avons voulu montrer les images de notre secret spot en Angleterre. Je veux d'ailleurs remercier Alex de m'avoir aidé sur ce projet ainsi que Firewire Surfboards, Snugg Wetsuits, et Sutsu pour m'avoir soutenu lorsque j'étais blessé. »


Et comme ce nouveau talent surfeur est anglais, on vous livre la version intégrale de ses confessions dans la langue d'origine:



?This winter I have decided to start on a little project with my good friend and filmer Alex Piper of Clear Cut Productions.  I know that it seems everyone is doing some sort of blog or video episode but I've always felt I haven't been able to showcase my surfing to its full potential. This has made me want to focus on making videos.


I get a lot of inspiration from watching new videos.  Whether they're of Dane Reynolds or of one of my friends, if it's a cool place they're surfing or innovative surfing I love to watch new videos and so I figured I wanted to try something like that and see what happens ? see if people like it.  So Alex and I want to forget about focusing on contests where you make no money and get little-to-no coverage and spend too much money for less than average waves and set our sights on finding new waves or spots that people just don't video and make some cool clips with our take on them.


Coming from England I think people have a lower expectation of our standard of surfing, but Russ Winter, Alan Stokes, Reubyn Ash and now Tom Butler are all people putting Britain on the map and there are plenty of youngsters coming up that are sure to show what Britain's made of.


I was born and raised in Newquay, Cornwall, England and I started surfing because my brother and dad did it.  This, in turn, led to me starting to compete.  I had good results and bad results and when I was 15 I got to compete for Britain in the ISA World Junior Games in France.  It was a real eye opener competing out of England for the first time and I felt that's what I wanted to do.


I had set a goal that I would compete in the ASP European Junior Tour on my last year (2012).  As I have never had a major head sponsor I have self funded my surfing with the help of my family and having to work myself.  My wetsuit sponsor Snugg Wetuits has always been there from the start as my first sponsor to help me and I managed to get enough money together to fully focus on the 2012 Tour.  I trained over the winter and managed to finish equal 13th in the 3* Gran Canaria and I felt confident that I could improve on this and finish within the top 5 by the end of the year if I kept focused.


When I got home I was back on track but suffered a back injury.  It seems it's been a build up of things and as they say ?the straw that broke the camel's back? was how I suddenly found I had damaged my L4/L5 disc in my lower back.  This caused me to have to pull out of the Pro Junior tour and set to work on fixing my back.  I'm back on track now.  I'm feeling better every week and being back in the water is feeling better than ever!


We made this video using some clips I got from Indo before the season started this year and then we had a last minute dash up to this secret wave in England a couple of weeks ago for the last section.  The lifestyle was all done in London where we stopped over night before heading to the secret spot.


I think my video shows that there are perfect waves to be had in England if you know where to look and what chart to go on.  I know there's 100s of waves I want to surf in England that are easily world class on there day but I haven't had the chance to go yet.  But I'm also going to explore Europe a bit more.  I've spent a lot of time down in Portugal and I know the place very well, yet I've never had a filmer with me so in the new year Alex and I will head down there for a month.  I think it will be good to show the versatility of Portugal.  There are so many beach breaks, wedges, reefs, points all crammed into tiny areas, and the weather is always good, the light is amazing, its cheap and the people are friendly, I love it down there and I can't wait to be there soon!


As for the rest of next year, I don't have any real set plan.  I want to say I'll go here and there but it all depends on my money.  I'm still working as a bar man so until I can find a company that can help me fund my trips its sort of going to be a last minute chart spot and stuff like that but I'm really excited to be working with Alex and having some of my friends from home come on some trips with us.  I think and hope people are going to be surprised with our upcoming episodes and I'm really excited to get started filming the next one.


I want to just say thanks to Alex for helping me on this project and also to Firewire Surfboards, Snugg Wetsuits and Sutsu for supporting me through my injury.?




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Mots clés : carte, blanche, george, picking | Ce contenu a été lu 5212 fois.
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